We recently watched an excellent episode of CBC's MarketPlace where they absolutely trashed the Toronto contractor Max Pies, the Hummer driving rip-off artist who leaves behind dozens of unfinished jobs and unhappy clients.
Go check out the show online - CBC has posted the entire episode.
Also, check out Mike Holmes site - he's got tons of excellent tips for anyone thinking of having any work done at their home or office.
Some of the basics (from CBC):
- Get Bids - make sure the contractor comes to your house, and thoroughly understands the work.
- Check references. Actually talk to people who have had work done. Also check the BBB, and the contractor database.
- Get a contract. Get it in writing. Make sure that the contract specifies in great detail everything you want done, including things like permits, insurance, completion dates, who's going to pay for the dumpster, etc.
- Check the contractor's license. Make sure it's valid.
- Check the contractor's insurance. Often, your home insurance will NOT cover the costs if the house is damaged by a contractor while they are working on your house.
- Make sure the contractor gets building permits for all the work. Specify this in the contract.
- Split the payments up. Pay no more than 25% down payment, and then pay out bits along the way when you are satisfied. Have a 15% holdback that is not paid for a month or two after the work is complete.
- Check out the CBC's Red Flags section - watch out for these signs that the contractor is a fraud, or at least, worrisome.